These frequently asked questions might help you using our booking engine

1How can I book hotel rooms?
Select the hotel you want to book. Then enter your desired number of rooms per offered category. Afterwards enter your arrival and departure dates. Click 'book now'. The hotel is now added to your shopping chart. Click on the shopping cart and click on 'proceed to check out'. Now, you will get to the check out page where you can enter your personal data.
2How can I book several room categories at the same hotel?
Enter the number of rooms you want to book per room category in each of the available room categories on the page of the desired hotel. This way you can book different room categories in the same hotel at once.
3How can I book rooms at several different hotels?
First of all, choose the first hotel you want to book and enter the number of rooms per category and the arrival and departure dates. Go to book now. The rooms will now be added to your shopping cart. Then go to the next hotel you want to book and repeat the process as for hotel one. After all hotel rooms you would like to book are added, go to your shopping cart and click 'Proceed to checkout'.
4How can I book several rooms with differing time periods?
If you want to book multiple rooms with differing arrival and departure dates, you will need to add the rooms with different dates to your cart individually. To do this, enter all rooms with the same dates and enter the arrival and departure dates. Click on book now. Now enter the rooms with different travel dates and click book now. Once all rooms are added, click on your shopping cart and select proceed to checkout.
5How can I filter the hotels by distance, hotel stars and other characteristics?
To do this, click on the hotel page. On the left side you will now see all the filter options. Select the desired filter and the hotels will be filtered automatically according to your selected filter.
6Which payment options do I have?
Payment can be made by bank transfer or credit card. We accept Visa, MasterCard and American Express. A service fee of 1,95 % for American Express will apply. No charges for Visa/Mastercard. Please make sure to cover your own bank charges, otherwise these will be charged to you by M&C Travel Events.
7When do I have to pay?
Depending on the selected payment method, you will receive an invoice or a payment link after booking. The payment dates depend on the payment conditions of the respective hotel and are stated in the descriptions of each hotel.
8What happens after I have made my booking?
After your booking we will check your requested data and write you a booking confirmation and invoice, which we will send you by mail. After that, your payment will be made.
9Can I change my booking afterwards?
If you need to make any changes to your existing booking, please contact us via e-mail ( or phone (+49 711 3429 100). We will take care of your changes and inform you about the costs.
10Can I book more than just hotels via the booking engine?
Yes, you can also send us your request for our additional services (rental cars, shuttles & transfers, flights, event services, visa assistance). Just go to the respective page of the service and send us your request.